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Did you know?

Jan. 2023

We love interacting with our customers and our relationship with you is important to us. Maybe it's because we like to make people warm or that creating a gem of a product is

satisfying or maybe it's because we know how good it feels to give someone a unique and beautiful gift. As we enjoy getting to know your stories, we thought you might want to know a few deets about LB! Here are some tidbits you may have not known about LB:

*We made our first mitt in 2007. It has been adapted dozens of times since then. *We have sold more pairs of mitts to Arizona than we have to North Dakota. *It is very hard to find a navy sweater. Red is the easiest.

*We met our goal of making 700 pairs of mitts this year. Our goal is to exceed that next season. *We ask our adult kids for marketing advice all the time. *Sue and I have been sewing since we were 5 years old. *We lose our scissors at least 5 times a day. Sue loses her reading glasses more than that...

*We do 6-8 Holiday Markets a year and love the personal contact we have with customers at them. *Beware, dogs love to eat our mitts. *We are super proud of our new packaging and logo!

*We often wash a sweater 3-4 times to get the desired thickness and texture. Sometimes after multiple washings, we have to throw it away because it just isn't good enough. *Sometimes our aunt Mary stops by the studio to bring us treats. It makes our day. *Yes we have sewn through our finger and yes, we have cut ourselves with our own scissors. No, we have never had to go to the ER because of it.

*Once a customer lost her mitt in December and her husband found it in March when the snowbank melted. *Sue and I are neighbors & our studio is in her basement. *Chemo patients love our wool hats because they are cashmere lined. The Cashmere is gentle and soft on their bald and tender heads. *We love thrifting for sweaters, but they are getting harder and harder to find. The thrift stores carry half the amount of wool sweaters than the last couple of years. We blame this on less wool production and 'fast fashion' in the fashion industry. It makes us sad and frusrated.

*Our favorite custom order was for a young man who lost half of his left hand and needed a pair of mittens. We created a pair that fit both hands perfectly. *Our 85 year old dad comes to our studio everyday for a quick chat. We can always count of him to ask about our kids & grandkids or tell us about his latest escapade. *We have definitely cut up one of our own sweaters by accident. *We really, really, really wish a good ol' snow storm would hit Chicago. If it has to be cold, we'd rather it be white! All for now. But please do reach out if you ever have any questions or just want to tell us about your LucyBlues. We love hearing from you! Cheerio, Wendy and Susie


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